# 创建用户
该脚本会在用户注册或者使用 API 和控制台创建用户时执行,你需要将用户信息保存到自己的数据库中。此脚本只在完全使用自定义数据库模式中需要。
# 函数定义
async function createUser(userinfo, context) {
// This script should create a user entry in your existing database. It will
// be executed when a user attempts to sign up, or when a user is created
// through the Auth0 dashboard or API.
// When this script has finished executing, the Login script will be
// executed immediately afterwards, to verify that the user was created
// successfully.
// The first argument userinfo contains following properties:
// * email: the user's email
// * username: the user's username
// * phone: the user's phone number
// * password: the user's password in plain text format
// * nickname: the user's nickname
// * photo: the user's photo
// The Second argument context contains information about the authentication context.
// see http://core.authing.cn/connections/custom-db/config-custom-db-connection.html for more information.
// There are three ways this script can finish:
// 1. A user was successfully created
// format: https://docs.authing.co/user/profile.html .
// return null
// 2. This user already exists in your database
// throw new Error("user allready exists")
// 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:
// throw new Error("my error message")
const msg =
'Please implement the Find User script for this database connection ';
throw new Error(msg);
参数 | 类型 | nullable | 说明 |
userinfo | object | false | 查询条件 |
userinfo.email | string | ture | 邮箱,该参数可能为空。 |
userinfo.phone | string | true | 手机号,该参数可能为空。 |
userinfo.username | string | true | 用户名,该参数可能为空。 |
userinfo.password | string | true | 明文密码。该参数可能为空,强烈推荐使用 bcrypt 加密用户密码,详情见下文。 |
userinfo.nickname | string | true | 用户昵称,该参数可能为空。 |
userinfo.photo | string | true | 用户头像,该参数可能为空。 |
context | object | true | 请求上下文 context |
其中 context 中包含包含以下信息:
属性名 | 类型 | 说明 |
userPoolId | string | 用户池 ID |
userPoolName | string | 用户池 名称 |
userPoolMetadata | object | 用户池配置信息 |
appId | string | 当前用户的 ID,你可以通过 appId 区分用户请求的应用来源。 |
appName | string | 当前应用的 名称 |
appMetadata | object | 当前应用的配置信息 |
application | string | 用户池 ID |
request | object | 当前请求的详细信息,包括: ip : 客户端 IP geo : 通过 IP 解析的客户端地理位置 body : 请求体 |
# 返回数据约定
# 创建成功
当创建用户成功时,你需要返回该用户的用户信息给 Authing,用户信息的详细格式请见:用户资料字段 。示例:
async function getUser(userinfo, context) {
// Implement your logic here
return {
id: 1, // must not empty
email: "test@example.com",
emailVerified: true,
nickname: "Nick",
photo: ""
# 用户已存在
async function login(query, password, context) {
// Implement your logic here
throw new Error('User allready exists!');
# 其他异常错误
async function getUser(userinfo, context) {
try {
// Implement your logic here
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Something went wrong ...')
# 最佳实践
# 提供友好的错误提示
当遇到未知错误时,我们推荐使用抛出一个标准的 Error
对象,Authing 会捕捉此错误并最终返回给终端用户。例如:throw new Error("My nice error message")
,你可以在自定义数据库的 日志历史 中看到该错误日志。
# 函数结束时断开数据库连接
请切记脚本执行完成时关闭到数据库的连接,比如调用 client.end(). 例如可以在 try/finallly 中执行确保其始终会被执行:
try {
const result = await client.userinfo("YOUR userinfo");
} finally {
// NOTE: always call `client.end()` here to close the connection to the database
# 示例函数
以 postgres
- 你可以通过
获取数据库连接字符串用于创建数据库连接。 - 根据
都可能为空,但不会同时为空)。 - 先查询用户是否存在,如果用户存在,抛出异常,错误信息为:
User allready exists!
. - 最后返回指定格式的用户信息,用户信息的详细格式请见:用户资料字段。
- 在
async function createUser(userinfo, context) {
// get exist user from database
const queryUser = async (client, query) => {
const { email, phone, username } = query;
// 构建查询参数
const queries = [];
const parameters = [];
let index = 1;
if (email) {
queries.push(`email = $${index}`);
index += 1;
if (phone) {
queries.push(`phone = $${index}`);
index += 1;
if (username) {
queries.push(`username = $${index}`);
index += 1;
const QUERY = `SELECT * FROM users WHERE ${queries.join(' OR ')} LIMIT 1`;
const result = await client.query(QUERY, parameters);
return result;
// This example uses the "pg" library
// more info here: https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres
const { Client } = require('pg');
const client = new Client({
connectionString: env.DB_CONNECTION_URI,
// Or you can:
// const client = new Client({
// host: env.DB_HOST,
// port: env.DB_PORT,
// user: env.DB_USERNAME,
// password: env.DB_PASSWORD,
// database: env.DB_DATABASE,
// });
await client.connect();
try {
const findResult = await queryUser(client, {
email: userinfo.email,
phone: userinfo.phone,
username: userinfo.username,
if (findResult.rows.length > 0) {
throw new Error('User allready exists!');
// Use bcrypt to encrypt password
// more info here: https://github.com/kelektiv/node.bcrypt.js
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
let hashedPassword = null;
// Phone Code Login may not have a password
if (userinfo.password) {
hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(
await bcrypt.genSalt(10),
const insertResult = await client.query(
`INSERT INTO users(email, username, phone, password, nickname, photo) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING *`,
const user = insertResult.rows[0];
return {
id: user.id,
email: user.email,
name: user.name,
phone: user.phone,
username: user.username,
photo: user.photo,
nickname: user.nickname,
token: user.token,
emailVerified: user.email_verified,
phoneVerified: user.phone_verified,
loginsCount: user.logins_count,
lastIp: user.last_ip,
gender: user.gender,
address: user.address,
company: user.company,
birthdate: user.birthdate,
website: user.website,
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Execute query failed: ${error.message}`);
} finally {
// NOTE: always call `client.end()` here to close the connection to the database