Log in with the one-time password sent to the phone

SMS verification allows users to log in with a one-time password sent to their mobile phones in the form of SMS. Currently, SMS template modification is not supported.

# SMS price description

  1. Please contact customer service (WeChat: xu_zi_qiang) to recharge if the sending volume is greater than 1000, otherwise we will stop sending SMS.
  2. Authing's SMS provider is Chuanglan 253, and the price of each message is about 0.03 ~ 0.05 yuan, [click to view Chuanglan SMS official website] (https://www.253.com/#/index).

# Next you may also need

  1. [Send mobile phone verification code](../sdk/sdk-for-javascript/#Use mobile phone number to register) (SDK for Web)
  2. [Log in with mobile phone verification code](../sdk/sdk-for-javascript/#Log in with mobile phone verification code) (SDK for Web)