# Mini Program Scan Code Login

Scan the QR code of the Mini Program and use the Mini Program "Small Login" for authentication. Using "Small Login" will increase the registration conversion rate by 80% and save 100% of the cost of SMS.

Mini Program Scan Code Login refers to the use of Authing's official mini program "Small Login" to perform scan code login. JavaScript SDK can be used for quick access. In addition, we also provide [HTTP interface](./#tiao-yong- http-api-jie-ru-xiao-cheng-xu-sao-ma-ren-zheng).

Click here Experience Mini Program Scan Code Login (opens new window).

Sample Code Scanning

# Scan code login sample code

Please refer to: https://github.com/Authing/wechat-eco-solution (opens new window).

# Configure Mini Program Scan Code Login

In the console, click Third Party Login -> Social Login, and then find WeChat Mini Program Scan Code Login, as shown below:

After turning on the switch, you will see the following pop-up box:

There are two configuration methods for mini program scan code login:

  1. Upload the Mini Program Logo. After uploading, Authing will generate a QR code with the Logo. After the developer completes the access, the user can log in by scanning the QR code;
  2. Register an applet, and then configure the appId and appSecret of the applet to the Authing platform. After the developer completes the access, the user can log in by scanning the QR code;

The default is the first method.

Fill in the AppID, App Secret and callback address of the applet in the pop-up box and click "OK" to complete the configuration.

# Which configuration method should I choose?

  1. If you don't have your own small program, you can directly upload the Logo to complete the configuration;
  2. If you have your own mini program, it is recommended to click "Configure your own mini program information" on this page to access;
  3. If the Mini Program Logo and your own Mini Program information are configured at the same time, the developer's "Own Mini Program Information" will be used first. **If you want to cancel the use of "Own Mini Program Information", please clear the relevant configuration. **

# Access method

Authing supports three ways to access the applet and scan code login:

  1. Use Authing's built-in login form, which does not require writing a line of code.
Use the Guard access applet to scan the code to log in
  1. Using the Authing JavaScript SDK, a complete login form can be realized in the simplest 5 lines of code in this way.
Use the SDK access applet to scan the code to log in
  1. Use Authing HTTP API, which is the most customized.
Use API to access the applet and scan the code to log in

# Privatization deployment applet

This chapter is aimed at users who deploy Mini Programs to their own subjects, please click the following link to view:

Access to privatized Wechat Mini program

# Next you may also need

SDK for JavaScript