# Create OIDC application

# Create OIDC application

Creating an OIDC application in Authing is very simple. Go to Console> App> App List, and complete the creation according to the following figure:

Input Application Name, SubDomain and Callback URL, then lick Create:

Create OIDC application

# View application details

The explanation of these parameters assumes that you have background knowledge of OIDC. If you do not already have background knowledge, please [refer to this article to understand the authorization process of OIDC](https://www.cnblogs.com/linianhui/archive/2017/05/ 30/openid-connect-core.html).

  1. Application Logo, optional, it will be seen in the login window when the user logs in;
  2. App name, required, you will see it in the login window when you log in;
  3. Authentication address, required, a second-level domain name of authing.cn, users will visit this website to log in;
  4. Callback URL, required. Call back to the address of the developer's own business. Authing will send the authorization code code to this address. To allow multiple callback addresses, please use semicolons (;) in English to separate different URLs, for example: https://baidu.com;https://authing.cn.
  5. Authorization Mode, required, the authorization mode supported by the application;
  6. Return type, required, select at least one, used to configure the type of OIDC support return, please refer to the difference of different return types: [Authorization process corresponding to different return types](oidc-params.md# different -response-type-corresponding authorization process);
  7. Exchange token authentication method, required, default client_secret_post, if there is no special requirement, use the default option;
  8. id_token signature algorithm, required, the default is HS256, if there is no special requirement, use the default option. If it is the default option, you can use the application Secret to verify the validity of id_token;
  9. Application description, not required, introduce what this application is for, as a memo;

Every application has an App ID and an App Secret, Please keep the App Secret properly.

App ID / App Secret

# Next you may need

Use OIDC authorization