# User Profile

An example of the complete user object returned by the Authing server is as follows:

  "id": "5f8d4c6ee7cbcaf59486c93d",
  "arn": "arn:cn:authing:59f86b4832eb28071bdd9214:user:5f8d4c6ee7cbcaf59486c93d",
  "userPoolId": "59f86b4832eb28071bdd9214",
  "username": "USERNAME",
  "email": null,
  "emailVerified": false,
  "phone": null,
  "phoneVerified": false,
  "unionid": "UNIONID",
  "openid": "OPENID",
  "nickname": null,
  "photo": "https://files.authing.co/user-contents/59f86b4832eb28071bdd9214/avatar/5c7cd4a4-4ea4-443c-9656-705f0b247a29.jpg",
  "oauth": "OAUTH",
  "token": "TOKEN",
  "tokenExpiredAt": "2020-10-19T16:21:02+08:00",
  "loginsCount": 1,
  "lastLogin": "2020-10-19T16:21:02+08:00",
  "lastIP": null,
  "signedUp": "2020-10-19T16:21:02+08:00",
  "blocked": false,
  "isDeleted": false,
  "device": null,
  "browser": null,
  "company": null,
  "name": null,
  "givenName": null,
  "familyName": null,
  "middleName": null,
  "profile": "https://github.com/shat810",
  "preferredUsername": null,
  "website": null,
  "gender": "U",
  "birthdate": null,
  "zoneinfo": null,
  "locale": null,
  "address": null,
  "formatted": null,
  "streetAddress": null,
  "locality": null,
  "region": null,
  "postalCode": null,
  "country": null,
  "createdAt": "2020-10-19T16:21:02+08:00",
  "updatedAt": "2020-10-19T16:21:04+08:00"

The following is a detailed explanation of each field:

  • id: User ID, the format is 5f927f5daa7ba859b6b5c21f, which is a unique ID automatically generated by Authing.
  • token: User login and identity credentials, the value is an IdToken. This field can verify the user's identity and determine the user's login status. For details, please see Manage Verification Token
  • userPoolId: User pool ID, the format is 5f927f5daa7ba859b6b5c21f, which is a unique ID automatically generated by Authing.
  • username: Username, unique in the user pool, case sensitive.
  • email: mailbox, unique in the user pool, case-insensitive, such as Bob@example.com and bob@example.com will be identified as the same mailbox.
  • emailVerified: Whether the mailbox has been verified, Authing will not organize the login of users who have not verified their mailbox by default. If you want to force users to log in after verification of their mailbox, you can use [Pipeline](../extensibility/pipeline/usage. md) to achieve. Learn about How to verify user's email.
  • phone: Mobile phone number.
  • phoneVerified: Whether the mobile phone number has been verified, the field is true for users who register and log in using the mobile phone number verification code, and for users manually created by the administrator, this field is false.
  • unionid: User who uses a third-party identity source or social login. This field is the user's third-party ID.
  • openid: WeChat login user, the openid returned by WeChat.
  • nickname: User's nickname, this field is not unique.
  • photo: User profile picture.
  • oauth: For users registered through social login, this field saves the original user information returned by the third-party social login service provider. For example, users registered in the Mini Program, this field will be [original user information returned by the Mini Program](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/open-api/user-info /wx.getUserInfo.html).
  • tokenExpiredAt: token expired time, which is a time string conforming to the ISO8601 format. (Such as "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00").
  • loginsCount: Cumulative number of logins.
  • lastLogin: Last login time, a time string conforming to ISO8601 format. (Such as "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00").
  • signedUp: Registration time, which is a time string conforming to the ISO8601 format. (Such as "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700Z", "2017-06-07T14:34:08.700 or "2017-06-07T14:34:08+04:00").
  • blocked: Whether the user account is disabled, and the disabled account cannot be logged in.
  • lastIP: The client IP when the user logged in last time.
  • device: The device used when logging in last time.
  • browser: The browser used when logging in last time.
  • company: company.
  • name: OIDC standard field.
  • givenName: OIDC standard field.
  • familyName: OIDC standard field.
  • middleName: OIDC standard field.
  • preferredUsername: OIDC standard field.
  • profile: The user's Profile Url, for users who log in with GitHub, this field is a link to their GitHub personal homepage.
  • website: personal website
  • gender: gender, M stands for male, W stands for female, and U stands for unknown.
  • birthdate: birthday
  • zoneinfo: time zone
  • locale: language
  • address: address
  • streetAddress: street address
  • locality: Locality
  • region: Region
  • postalCode: postal code
  • city: city
  • province: province
  • country: Country