# Login with Baidu account

# precondition

Before you start, make sure you have a Baidu Developer Account (opens new window).

# Steps

  • Create a Baidu OAuth application
  • Configure Baidu social login application in Authing console

# Create a Baidu OAuth application

Go to Baidu Developer Service Management Console (opens new window) to create a project (application):

You need to record the API Key (Client ID) and Secret Key (Client Secret) of the application, which will be used later.

On the security settings page, set the authorization callback page address as:

Field Value
Authorization callback URL https://core.authing.cn/connection/social/baidu/<YOUR_USERPOOL_ID>/callback

Replace <YOUR_USERPOOL_ID> with your user pool ID.

# Configure Baidu social login connection in Authing console

Find Baidu in the Authing console (Connect Identity Source-Social Login) and fill in the Baidu application configuration:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

After configuration, please click "OK" to save the information.

# Next

After the configuration is complete, you can start to formally integrate social login into your system. Authing social login supports four access methods: using JavaScrit SDK, using Guard for Web login form component, using Authing online login page As with manually calling the social login interface, for the applicable scenarios and advantages and disadvantages of each method, please refer to: Social Login Access Guide.